Emily Haines and Soft Skeleton @ The Varsity Theater

On to Ms. Haines, we expected a quiet, dark psychedelic evening in Emily's melodies, and thats what exactly happened. Everyone was silent, the only word from the crowd was "spit it out sister", when Emily went off on her strong opinions.. She expressed that shes best friends with the British, bloggers, and skinny people.. Everyone ones got expressions, it's good to be honest, let things out, and Emily is a very independent gal that says what she wants.. I respect that.. I make fun of people all the time, in a little nicer way. I think it did bring back some memories of that Cat Power show, where Chan talked about her ups in downs in life with drugs, alcohol, and her fight against depression.. Emily is far from that and is much more up beat with a band behind her and a great mix of darkness and melodies. I still highly recommend seeing Soft Skeleton to see how far Emily can reach on another side of music and to watch her express all her thoughts into one album.. Good show nonetheless, but I prefer Broken Social Scene and Metric just a little bit more. I need that energy in a live performance!!! Keep rocking, and check out Varttina @ The Cedar today(Sunday Jan. 15th @ The Cedar, show starts at 730pm). Goodnight and Good luck. -Brody
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Emily as a solo artist has a few good tunes, but lets face it - her best vehicles are Metric and BSC.
I was bored to tears by the fourth song, for some reason hung around for her whole set (hoping she would turn it around) and left when she started her encore. Not as bad as Cat Power's Varsity show
last year but this was mediocre,
forgetable, self-absorbed stuff.
i was wondering who opened up for her - "tall firs" apparently.
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