Busdriver, sunshine rubdown, frog eyes, and the islands at first ave..
5 bands in one night, unfortunatley I only caught 3. Sunshine rubdown was amazing after only hearing three songs. I knew they were going to be good. They had spencer, from wolf parade, on the keys and leading away with his vocals. Frog eyes were fine on the instuments but were terrible on vocals. And after that the islands blew away the show with a classic jump around act. They brought in rappers, violin players, you name it. It didn't matter who walked on stage it would still sound great. The islands, another band from montreal, had some of the old unicorn players. After the gig steve and I talked to spencer about wolf parade and it looks like they'll be doing one last tour before they start their new album. Sometime in august they'll be back at first ave, I'm sure. This show by the islands could be a top 5 show this year. Arcade fire mixed with the hopefuls. The sound was great, the vocals were pure, and the stage presence was hilarious. These guys will be around a while. If you missed them check them out at st. olaf tonight. It's free and it's all ages. Stay well and stay hip. -Brody