Starsailor @ The Varsity....

America had been waiting for these guys for a long time. Only a couple years but it felt like forever. No one should forget how talented James Walsh and company are. I was expecting the best show of the year and they delivered. I got to the show early for sound check and listened to 3 new tracks. They did not play them during thier set but, ended with a class Silence is Easy chorous. James Walsh also played a little Dylan and loves playing songs by Cash and Springsteen. Their new album On the Outside was more high pace, more pure british rock, and of course more electric guitar. The lullaby's were great and they still are, but when James picks up the fender and rips a way with his thunderous ballads everything is good. Starsailor will always be compared to the likes of Coldplay and Elbow. But Starsailor has their own style and are led by quite frankly the best vocals and lyrics of all time. They keep geeting better, continue to have a blast, and love playing in America. James Walsh is married has a kid, but still stays dedicated to his music and tours heavly when his albums are finished. Who knows maybe they'll come to Minneapolis to write and record their next album like they did in L.A. Wherever they write their music will be great lets just hope they get thier next album finished soon.