Tuesday, January 09, 2007


This Worldwide Music Site offers album reviews and music Headlines/contests and giveaways/and most importantly music and videos. This site clashes with EMI the best Major Label out there right now.. They own the Beatles, Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, the Rolling Stones, and of course all the other great new British bands, I'd say they're pretty good... EMI also has a UK homepage with 4 other subdivision labels at www.emirecords.co.uk
My good friend James Scott who is an A.R. rep here in the cities has a New Noise Minnneapolis Myspace page where he promotes all the bands on the label, has a schedule of all the shows he's promoting, and also works hard to get press kits sent from all over the world from bands he loves. He has helped me come to think that major labels give all the fans a chance to see some of these great British bands live, and bands from wherever.. EMI gets the bands to tour, gets the best European bands to come to America, and as we all know has the best quality of artists/bands of todays music scene.. So what I'm trying to inform to all the local/music fans, is support the label, support the artist, and the band you may want to see may truly come to a venue near you.