3 albums to check out!!!!
Jesca Hoop is currently on tour with Matt Pond PA. Awesome range with her vocals.
Has a lot of Norwegian folk in her making a more Scandinavian sound. But what sticks out
the most is her keyboardist, giving her a soul side. She just played at the Varsity but I'm sure will be back soon. Check out her album!!!
Jesca Hoop Official Page / Myspace Page
Everybody knows Dan!! He's a local guy, well I had never heard of him. Not until
a couple of weeks ago did I find out about this great local artist who has been in a lot of
different bands in the past. His new solo album sounds a little like Five for Fighting, but
remains "indie" and stays very polished from his experienced music career. Dan has two shows at Bryant Lake Bowl Oct. 16th and Oct. 17th, and will also be performing at the Electric Fetus for a acoustic set Oct. 19th.
Dan Wilson Official Page / Myspace Page
Touring with two of my favorite bands BRMC and Kings of Leon, Manchester Orchestra is hitting the big stage. Their record came out last year but is still creating a lot of buzz. They are a 5 piece indie rock band from Atlanta that sounds a bit like Cloud Cult and Death Cab with much heavier guitar work. They'll be in Minneapolis (touring with the Annuals) at the Varsity Theater Nov. 7th. Be There!
Manchester Orchestra Official Page / Myspace Page
Shout Out Louds Preview coming soon!
Anybody else have some cd recommendations???