Obama Rally at Xcel + Islands @ First Ave. 6/3/08
32,000 plus strormed down to the XCEL center (where the republican convention will be held in Sep.) in St. Paul for Barack's Rally. Some more #'s I got from the rally, 17,000 inside, 15,000 outside. People were standing in line for tickets at 7:30 in the morning, awaiting Obama's arrival. Barack became the first african american to win major selection in the white house. Just turning 46, Obama was also here with his wife, his second string campaign manager.
More good news in my opinion Hilary and Obama will be meeting shortly to discuss a potential vice president selection. With senior, working class, and of course female voters Clinton has a very big support audience. I think it will be a shoe-in if these to run together. They won't just win because of diversity and people wanting change, leadership, knowledge, and their incredible skills as a speaker are the key factors.
Congrats Barack Obama! You have my vote and many more!
For More coverage on the Barack Rally check out TheRockNRollStar.com + Morecowbell.net
Islands in Minnapolis
(Yes this photo was taken from their Toronto show May 29th. Email me photos at BritRockAtTheTop@live.com if you have photos of the Minneapolis show. Thanks. )
Where the hell were all the people?? Oh yea their were over 32,000 people at the Xcel for the Obama Rally, it was a Monday, and who knows maybe some were at the Twins game? So with that said, their were 68 people that watched Islands perform in Minneapolis. On top of forgetting my camera, the show was all ages and was a very short set. Not a good combination.
Don't get me wrong the show was still decent and I love Islands new record "Arm's Way". 2 years ago when they played at First Ave., Islands were so much better. Dressed in all white they definitely had it going back then. Maybe they had more energy then and played a longer set, tonight just seemed down with the small crowd. When lead singer Nick T asked for requests from the crowd, some fan really ticked him off. And waited for the fan to come downstairs. The "large" crowd pointed at the bastard and called him a loser and then everyone was happy.
After the slow start, Islands jumped into the covers and the classics.. They played an awesome Who cover, and played most of their hits including Swans and Rough Jem. I was really hoping they played Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks, but they still had a fairly solid set. Lets hope Islands come back on a night other than Monday. Islands will be touring around the states until the end of June.
Labels: band, barack obama, democratic rally, first avenue, hilary clinton, islands, michelle obama, minneapolis, xcel