ThE FuTUreHeADs killer @ The Varsity!!!!!!!!
Wrappin up an already unbelievable week, The Futureheads were icing on top of the cake tonight at the Varsity. Even with only about 200-250 people this place was jumpin like an earthquake hit the crowd. I knew the light show was going to be out of this world but the jumping, the sound, the laughs, everything was just right. With their brand new release out the Futureheads have a very heavy set. The guitar riffs were explosions and at the speed of light the stage presence was like watching fireworks. They played all their classics from A to B to Decent Days to Hounds of Love. They even threw in a little acoustic. Minneapolis has been a stopping ground for these crazy lads with their fourth appearance in the cities they just keep getting better. My uncle thought this show was better than the last, and my dad was dancing like he was from the movie boggie nights. So much to remeber in one night. Make sure you pick up their album and catch them live before they reach heights of the hives/oasis popularity. Take a break from shows until Wolf Parade rolls into town. Stay cool. -Brody